Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Butch Cassidy

The man known as Butch Cassidy was fantasized as murderous bank robber who died in Bolivia. This is the real story. Butch Cassidy was born as Robert Leroy Parker. His family was poor so his father sent his kids to work on ranches. Robert meets a man by the name of Mike Cassidy, who shows him the ropes of being an outlaw. Robert becomes so close to Mike that he adopts his last name. Also working in a butcher shop, he earns the nickname "Butch." After committing small crimes, the powerful ranchers of Wyoming have Butch arrested for stealing horses, and he is sentenced to five year hard labor. Historians believe that it is that experience that trigger Butch's vendetta against the law. Years later Butch looks for a crime partner. People think that his only true friend and partner is the Sundance Kid. The truth is years before he meets Sundance, he becomes friends with a man named Elsie Lay. Butch and Elsie start robber small town banks and making names for themselves. Butch had an intolerance for violence because of earlier experiences. While he did hold people at gun point and threaten them, he never killed anyone. Another thing about Butch is in the midst of unorganized crime of people walking in, shooting, and walking out, Butch was the sort of criminal mastermind who did organized crime with weeks of planning. News of smaller bank heists spread to other outlaws, who like Butch's style, and together they form the Wild Bunch gang, with Butch as there leader. Members included Harvey "Kid Corey" Logan, and two Texans named Will and Ben. In planning a big robbery a young man by the name of Harry Alonzo Longabaugh, also known as the Sundance Kid, joins the Crew. The crew does a daytime robbery of the whole coal company's payroll in Castle Gate Utah. They take the money, give covering fire, take down Telephone lines, and then switch to fresh horses at each checkpoint. The legend claims that he is stealing from the powerful, like a Robin-hood figure. The truth is when he stole the payroll it was the poor miners that suffered. Butch's most famous heist was a robbery on the U.S. pacific railroad. He made the conductor think that the rails were flooded. he unhooked the cars so the passengers could leave, but the precious cargo like gold and money would stay. When the only person in the car won't open it up, Butch blew the door open with dynamite. On the escape, Sundance and Kid Corey are confronted by a posse. Corey shoots a deputy and flees to Montana, while Butch and the whole gang are wanted for murder. Butch wants to lay low, but Elsie wants to keep robbing, so he goes by himself, getting shot in the shoulder and arrested in the process. The Union Pacific hire the Pinkerton's, the most fearful law company in the U.S. to kill them. Butch hires a lawyer, but when he is supposed to meet with him, the Pinkerton's, and the Supreme Court, they don't show up. Butch thinks he is being setup so he leaves, still a wanted man. he Pinkertons track him across the U.S., so they move to Argentina. Sundance sends a letter to his mother, but the letter is intercepted and the Pinkertons followed them there too. They go to Bolivia, but trying to get more money to survive they rob a bank, but is chased into a house by the Bolivian army. The story goes that Sundance was wounded, so Butch killed the both of them, but some historians theories that he lived. In the end Butch Cassidy has been the western world's criminal mastermind. Wither his legends are true remain a mystery. This is a picture of Butch.


  1. Toby, I really love the risk you are taking here. Many people think that is history i the past, and it doesn't matter anymore. That is so not true. I love your topic and I think that you should keep pursuing it. Great job!

  2. Toby great job I like your topic keep up the great work!

  3. Great job Toby! All of your posts have been very detailed, and I find them to be very interesting.

  4. This is a great blog and I love the preparation you put into it and all of the great information that I had no idea about. Thanks for telling me all of this great new information I hope the rest of your posts are as well written as the last ones!

  5. I really enjoy reading your stories Toby! They are so well written it feels like I'm reading a published book. Keep up the great work!

  6. I really enjoyed reading your blog Toby. I could see that you take a lot of pride into your blog. Good Job!

  7. This is great! I really think this story is really cool and interesting, and I look forward to reading again. I like the passion you have put into your blog, and I like how you put in some details, and not just the bare minimum!
