Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Bolshevik Revolution

During 1917, the first world war, the Germans were starting to lose the war. They were fighting on two fronts, the Russian eastern front, and the British, French, Belgium, and later American front in the west. Germany needed to focus all it's strength on one front. So they decided to take Russia out of the war once and for all. They decided to sneak in a communist named Vladimir Lenin from Switzerland. Lenin was angry with the government of Russia, under the leader of Czar Nicholas the second. The Czar (Monarch of Russia, Serbia, and Bulgaria pre World War I) was sending troops, mainly peasants to fight the war. There economy was also failing terribly. He was also hated because he was a naive and ignorant ruler. He rallied much support for the revolution, and on March 8th, 1917 the February Revolution began. There were many riots and protests, over 200,000 people protesting. Then on November 7, 1917, the October Revolution broke out. The Protesters got armed forces and captured the Winter Palace. As a result the Soviet Union was created and Russia was out of the war. The Union was lead by Vladimir Lenin until he died of a stroke. a man named Leon Trotsky took over until he was assassinated by Josef Stalin, who became the most infamous leader of the Soviet Union. He was credited for leading Russia in World War II, and killing if not as many, then more people then Adolf Hitler. This is a picture of the Red Army (Lenin's group) attacking the Winter Palace, protected by the White army (non communist group).


  1. I like the information you give. What is happening in the picture?

    1. Thank you and it is the October revolution.

  2. Hey Toby you have great information. Tyler, I think they are in the middle of war? You should be teaching your social studies with Mr. Schmidt!

    1. It is not your blog and you are wrong he told.

    2. It is not your blog and you are wrong he told.

  3. Hey Toby you have great information. Tyler, I think they are in the middle of war? You should be teaching your social studies with Mr. Schmidt!

    1. Thanks and it is more of a revolution then an all out war.

  4. I like how you listed a lot of information. I also liked how you commented what is going on in the picture.
