Thursday, December 10, 2015

Manfred Von Richthofen

Manfred was born in Wroclaw Poland in May of 1892. He is the most famous World War one pilot for the Central Powers of Germany. In 1911 he joined  the first Regiment of Uhlans, which were mounted solider or cavalrymen. who acted as scouts. Manfred became a supply officer after the French were taking a beating and cavalrymen were no longer needed. The former cavalryman hated his new job. Manfred became a reconnaissance flyer across Russian lines. In 1915 went back to the western front. He became a bomber, but hated the bomber planes, so whenever he got the chance he flew as an observer in an Albatros. Manfred decided he would learn to fly a fighter plane. He shot down two planes, but they were over enemy lines, so they didn't count. On his Albatros he had a second machine gun mounted into the pilot's seat, since the only one is in the cockpit with the observer. Manfred joined the Jasdstaffel Two or the Jasta Two. On his first combat mission, Manfred shot down an English plane on the German side, on September 17, 1916. After the death of Manfred's friend and teacher, Oswald Boelcke, he shot down many more planes, but one flier gave him the fight of his life, Major Lanoe Hawker. After a series of dog fighting and going in circles, Manfred shot him down. Ariel duels such as the one with Hawker made Manfred on of the most famous aces in Germany. Manfred was given his own squadron called the Jasta 11. Although the men of the Jasta 11 were good, none of them had shot down one plane, until Manfred came. The day came when six members of the Jasta 11 shot down 13 enemy planes with only slight damage. Every solider had a bright red Albatros. Their squadron was nicknamed Richthofen's Circus. In 1917 the Circus wiped out a whole fleet of British planes. Although the Circus had only been around for less then a year, they scored their 100th victory on April 23, 1917. Manfred himself shot down his 47th plane that day, and was now Germany's leading ace. Early in July a British pilot shot Richthofen in the head, and he was blind and unconscious at times, but he lived. In early August Manfred was able to fly again and him and his Circus kept patrolling the skies. In April of 1918 there was a delay of flight because of some fog. The British also delayed flight and when both sides took liftoff they got into a battle. Manfred had decided to shoot down a lonesome plane, but when the Captain, Arthur Brown saw what was happening he came to the rescue and somehow shot down Manfred. Manfred was buried in Germany and with over 80 aircraft victories to his name.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Bass Reeves

Most people, when they hear the Lone Ranger, they think of a white man in a black mask, fighting crime with and Indian sidekick. The real story of the Lone Ranger went like this. Bass Reeves was born sometime in July of 1838. His family was owned by slaves. Bass eventually ran away into Indian territory, were he was taken in by the natives. When the Civil war broke out Bass fought for the Union. After the war he married Nellie Jennie, and moved to Arkansas. There he became the first black U.S. deputy marshal. He arrested over 3,000 felons and killed thirteen people in self-deffence and one by accident. The accident occurred when Bass tried getting a jammed bullet out of the chamber. He got it out with a knife but flew into his cook's neck. The cook died and Bass was thrown into jail. He went to trial and was founded innocent. It was amazing because it was one of the first time a black man was founded innocent in a murder case. Bass kept bringing in criminals, but one day in 1902 the Sheriff gave him his next warrant, saying everyone else was scarred to bring this man in. Bass took the warrant excited to take him in, until he read the name, it read William Reeves. Bass found his son out in the forest, he went in without resistance. His son was arrested for murdering his wife, who was always with other men. He was sentenced to life in prison, but was only in there for 20 years for good behavior.  Bass arrested over 3,000 felons, including his own son, which just proves how much of a lawman he was. Bass died January tenth, 1910.
This is Bass Reeves.

Monday, November 23, 2015

Project Der Riese

The Der Riese project or project Riese (The Giant), was a secret project, so secret in fact that very little about it has been documented. During 1943, World War Two, the Allies were constantly bombing Germany. The Führer wanted to make weapons and technology that the allied forces didn't have. Hence forth the Wunderwaffe project (wonder weapons). The Germans set up base in the Owl Mountains which is in Poland, near The Henge. The mountains also had a large quantity of gneiss, which is a  very hard rock which would help protect against Allied bombing. The facility was a large network of underground factories, which was thought that the tunnels stretched for over 200,000 meters. Most of the tunnels are not documented as they cannot be found. The Tunnels most likely contain world's treasure stolen by the Nazis, as well as the body of POWs,  test subjects, and some of the things they have built. They built a giant bell called Die Glocke which means The Bell which was thought to be an anti gravity machine, sort of like a UFO. Hitler assigned them to build this device. The Henge, which was near the facility, was thought to be a launch pad for die Glocke. In 1945 the Nazis destroyed all documentation of Der Riese and it hadn't been discovered until the year 2000, when Polish author Igor Witkowski wrote a book about Der Riese called The Truth About The Wunderwaffe. It is unsure wither Witkowski is right or wrong, but this has been the story of Project Der Riese.
This is Die Glocke.                                               

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Jesse and Frank James

Frank and Jesse James were born in Kearney Missouri. They lived on a farm and both joined the Confederacy during the Civil war. They joined guerrilla group called the Bushwhackers, led by Bloody Bill Anderson. During the war they would murder in cold blood and act in extremely violent ways. During the war Frank was captured and was forced to swear his loyalties to the Union, and Jesse was shot in the chest. After the war Jesse, Frank, and there four Confederate friends Cole, Jim, John, and Bob Younger would rob banks and trains. One such robbery was in Northfeild Minnesota, when they robbed a bank with a timed vault. The lock could only be oped at a certain time depending on the sun, so when they robbed the bank it couldn't be opened. The gang killed there way out of the town, and became huge outlaws. Some gangs would work with them. Two men named Bob and Charles Ford joined there gang. History tells us that the Fords killed Jesse when his back was turned. They then became famous. But what actually happened is Jesse didn't want to be wanted criminal, so he had the Ford's kill an annoying treacherous gang member and say it was Jesse. Frank went to court and was found innocent, and the Ford brothers were murdered by some drunk man who admired Jesse. This has been they story of Jesse (left) and Frank (right) James.